October Updates from the Gardeners
Date posted: 06 October 2022
Find out what the Garden Team are working on this month...
summer box garden
We are very much in project-mode as a garden team at the moment and have started to tackle the replanting of the Summer Box Garden back to its original plan. This garden has been allowed to do its own thing for too long and certain plants have bullied others, resulting in the design’s balance being lost. We are now halfway through this project with the aim of being finished by the end of the month.

An exciting development we have been working on quietly for the last few weeks is changing the use of our propagation glasshouse. It now houses an arid plant collection and a tropical house, complete with orchids. Along with the rest of the garden yard, we plan to open this up to you all at the start of next season. However, we are going to open our garden yard next Thursday 6th October and the following Thursday 13th October so if you are visiting the gardens you can come and have a look at the work that goes on behind the scenes.